"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

The Outsiders-Book Review


Author: S.E. Hinton
Publisher: Viking a member of Penguin Group, USA inc.
Number of Pages: 188
Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction
Genre or Subject: Young Adult Literature

How I discovered or acquired this book:
I first came across this book in Eighth grade.  It was a required reading in my English class.  Before reading this book I had been interested in writing and after hearing that the author had been a teenager herself when she had written this, I was even more motivated to become a writer.  In fact I wanted to be one right then.  So this book was one that inspired me to be a writer.
Recently I have decided to go back through the books I read in my youth, that had an impact on me, and read them again.  I checked out the book at my local library.

Check out author’s other books?
I’m not sure if I will or not..

Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being exceptional):

Quality of writing: 5
Pace: 8
Plot development: 9
Characters: 8
Enjoyability: 8
Insightfulness: 9
Ease of reading: 10

Recommend this book? To whom?
Even though this book is meant for teenagers I think it may be something that adults would enjoy as well.  So I guess I would recommend it for teenagers as well as adults.

Notes and opinions:

The story is told from the point of view of a fourteen year old boy, named Ponyboy Curtis.  It is about two social classes of teenagers, the greasers and the Socs (or Socials) and is told from the point of view of the greasers.
As I remember what I thought of this book as a young teenager, I remember loving it very much.  I also remember loving the way in which it is was written.  Looking at it now, I think it is still a pretty good story that gives a look into the lives of these teenagers.  It was a wonderful and easy read and I enjoyed being about to hear what Ponyboy was thinking and how he felt about the circumstances he was in.  The story really does feel like it was written by a teenager and I think that is wonderful, especially for the type of story that it is.
I will always remember this as the book that inspired me to be a writer.  I love being able to get into the minds of the characters and be able to tell the story I feel that they need to tell.

If any of you have read this book I would love to hear what you thought of it.  Were you required to read it as a teenager? Are you reading it in school now?  Let me know your thoughts.

<3 Andrea

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