"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood
- Cara Lockwood
End of Nanowrimo 2012
Last night I did stay up until midnight writing. I ended up getting to 46,047 words. I wrote way over 10K yesterday. I was so close! But I still consider it a win. I worked really hard and I did not give up.
My plans for the future...well I really love my characters, Juniper and Sawley, and so I am going to continue writing this story. Usually I don't do any thing with my Nanowrimo novels after I'm finished but I will with this one. I also would really like to edit and rewrite my novel I wrote in 2010. Also I am going to be working on my project with the working title "Never Planned on You" which you can read more about by clicking on the "My Projects" tab above.
Even though Nanowrimo is over I will still continue to blog though it will not be as often. I will be including updates on my writing projects, excerpts, writing advice, book reviews, etc. So keep checking back for those things.
Also Alison Davis' book "Hanging from the Family Tree: Tobias' Story" was released for purchase today on Lulu.com so I would encourage you all to check that out. You can learn more about this book and see my cover review by going here.
For more fun activities to do on the Nanowrimo off season you can check out this list on Wikiwrimo: Timed Artistic Challenges
I may be doing some of those. I like the idea of writing a haiku each day for a month :)
Happy writing,
<3 Andrea

Yes, I'd call that a win as well, so congratulations!
I'm celebrating my 700th post this weekend! Come join the fun at http://kelworthfiles.wordpress.com/
Thank you :)