It's that time of year again! Camp Nanowrimo starts on April 1rst and I am so excited!
I am in love with the theme this year! I love all of the colors, the logo, and especially the Camp Bear! I am also loving the new changes for camp this year! You can choose your word count goal! You could choose to write any where from 10,000 words to 999,999 words! Also this camp they are encouraging rebels! You don't have to write a new novel and you could choose to even write a script or a collection of short stories.
I have decided to finish my novel that I started in November, "The Diary of Juniper Blank". I've chosen a word count goal of 30,000 because that is my guess of how many words I have left of the novel.
Here is a mock cover I created for my novel:

Here are some links that lead to more information about this story and I even have some excerpts from the novel:
About Juniper and Sawley
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Here are links to my Nanowrimo Profile Pages:
Nanowrimo Profile
Camp Nanowrimo Profile
Also in case you are interested, here is a book haul video that I made:
I probably won't be blogging every day during Camp Nanowrimo but keep an eye out on my blog because I will probably do at least one post a week.
<3 Andrea