"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Nanowrimo Day 30: An Excerpt


Last day of Nanowrimo.  Right now it is almost 8:30pm so I only have less than 4 hours left of Nanowrimo.  I have been writing all day today and I am actually a little over 40K which is way more than I expected to get too.  I don't think I am going to be able to write 10K in less than four hours.  In fact, I am getting very stiff from writing for so long and I already have issues from my muscle problem so I am not sure if I am going to make it to writing until midnight.  But I think I have done pretty well for being as far behind as I was.  I am a bit sad that I won't make it, especially since I am so close but there is always Camp Nanowrimo.  I seem to do better then any ways.
Today I am going to leave you all with another excerpt.  Hope you enjoy:

Sawley and I got to the pool and every thing was going well for the first five minutes.  I was just settling down on the pool lounge chair after putting on my sun tan lotion, opening my book up to chapter five and had not even read the first word when I heard Sawley scream.  I threw my book down and jumped up.
A life guard, named Terrance who goes to my school and is in the same grade, was jumping in to the water.  He grabbed Sawley and pulled her over to the edge of the pool.  I was already there by the time he got to the edge and he lifted her up to me and I pulled her up out of the water.
“Sawley are you okay?” I yelled.  She had her eyes closed.
Terrance pushed himself out of the water and looked down over Sawley.  He bent down over her face.  “She is not breathing.”
“What?” I yelled.
“I am going to do mouth to mouth.”
Just as his lips touched hers she burst out laughing.  The other children who had gathered around us had begun laughing too.
Sawley jumped up.  “He kissed me; he kissed me,” she squealed.
I sat back on the concrete, relieved that she was okay and then I got angry.  “Sawley Marie, what on earth is the matter with you?  Do you not know better than to fake some thing like that?  Don’t you remember when I read you the story about the boy that cried wolf?  And what if some one else was really drowning?  Terrance would not see them because of you.  You should be ashamed of your self.”
Her smile quickly melted in to a frown and her bottom lip began to pucker.  “I was just doing a dare,” she whispered.  “Bruce said it would be funny.”
“I do not care what Bruce or any one else says.  You know better than to do some thing like this.  Do you think it is funny to give me scare like that?  To think some thing bad has happened to you?”  I was still yelling.  May be I should not have been so hard on her.
She burst out in to tears.
The other children dispersed.  This little boy, Bruce, was usually at the pool and he was such a bad influence on all of the other children.  The only time Sawley ever did any thing remotely bad was when Bruce was around.  I kept telling her that she needs to stop going along with every thing he says.
I looked over at Terrance.  “I am really sorry about this.  I will have Mom talk to her about this.”
Sawley cried louder.  “No do not tell Momma.”
Terrance looked over at Sawley and then at me with a blank expression on his face and then he laughed.
“What are you laughing for?” I asked, still upset about the whole thing.  “What could be so funny?”
He scooted over to Sawley.  “All that for a kiss, huh?”
She wiped her eyes and looked up at him with her big brown eyes.
“All you had to do was ask,” he said.  “Kissing her on the cheek.”
She grinned and sniffled.
“No more faking okay?  You do not want me to have to ban you from the pool, now do you?”
Her eyes got big, as if she had not considered that as a possibility.  “No,” she said, shaking her head.
“Well you are my best customer after all,” he said.  “But if you pull another stunt like that I will be forced to ban you from the pool.  We do not tolerate things like that here.  Do you under stand?”
She shook her head yes.
“Okay.  Well for today I am going to ask that you sit out of the pool for twenty minutes and then you can get back in.”
She frowned and slumped her shoulders.  “A whole twenty minutes?”
“It is either that or I ask you to go home.  What will it be?”
“Twenty minutes,” she said with a frown.
“Go on and sit in the chair,” I said, pointing over to where I had been sitting.
She stomped over to the chair with her head hanging down.
I looked at Terrance.  “Thank you,” I said.  “For not kicking us out I mean.  Hope fully she will learn her lesson.”
“You still going to tell your mom?” he asked.
“Do you not think I should?” I asked.  “That was really bad what she did.”
“Yeah,” he said.  “It was really bad, but she is getting her punishment right now.  Do you think she needs another one from your mom?”
I sighed.  Mom would be furious and would probably ground her, which would mean that I would be grounded as well because if Sawley can not go any where then neither can I and I do not want to be stuck in the house all day.  
“I guess not,” I said.  “But if she does some thing like this again then I will have to tell Mom.”
“Agreed,” he said, helping me up off of the ground.  “Well I better get back to my post,” he said.
I went over and sat down in a chair next to Sawley.  She was sitting in the lounge chair, her arm floaties still on, and she had her arms crossed and her lip pouted and was glaring over at Bruce.
“What a butt munch,” she said.
“Sawley Marie Blank you know better than to say things like that.”
“Well he is,” she said.  “It is all his fault.”
“Now Sawley,” I said.  “Did he force you to do what you did?”
“No but..” She said, sitting up.
“You did not have to go along with what he told you to do, did you?”
“No but…”
“You wanted to do it, didn’t you? So you could get a kiss?”
She did not say any thing but looked over at Terrance.
“He is so dreamy,” she said.  “If you get a life guard why can’t I?”
“Oh Sawley,” I said.  She looks just like a child but some times I forget that she can have grown up feelings.  “Don’t think he is a bit old for you?”
“What is in an age?” she asked, keeping her eyes on him.
“Well a lot in this instance,” I said.  
“He is only nine years older than me,” she said, like that was nothing.
“Only?” I asked.  “Sawley that is more years than you have been alive.  Besides you are a bit too young to be worry about boys.  Trust me you will have plenty of time for boys when you are older.  You know you can’t even date until you are sixteen.”
“Hmph,” she said, crossing her arms and returning her face to the same angry position.  “Life is not fair.”

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt. It is part of some thing I wrote today. I am really loving my characters Juniper and Sawley and so I will be continuing writing this story because it is no where near finished. I will also probably do more stories with them in the future.

Well I hope you all enjoyed following my blog this Nanowrimo. I will still be keeping the blog about things I am reading, reviews, author/character interviews and updates on my writing projects and then hopefully in April when the first session of Camp Nanowrimo starts, I will be able to come back and blog during that time.

Good luck with your future writing projects and congrats to all those who participated in Nanowrimo this year!

<3 Andrea

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