"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Nanowrimo-Day 19- So behind


Daily Dare:

Here are the dares for the days I've missed:

  • Write a scene describing the way your main character's parents met.
  • Does your main character collect anything? Maybe he/she should.  Describe his/her collection and why s/he started it.
  • Write a really cheesy love song that your main character will sing to his/her love interest.
  • Describe the worst thing your main character ever did.
*Dares from "No Plot? No Problem! Noveling Workbook" If you decide to use one of the dares, I post on my blog, in your novel I'd love to know and if you'd like to share how you used it, I would love to hear about that too.


I am so behind! Not just on writing blog posts but on my word count as well.  I haven't written anything since Wednesday.  I ended up not being able to go to that all night write in.  I am going to my cabin tonight so I'm hoping to get caught up or even close to catching up over the next couple of days.  I will also most likely be writing at my aunt's house on Thanksgiving day.  I'm not giving up and I'm going to try my best to get back on track.

Daily Topic:


What is your one biggest stressor related to forcing yourself to write 50,000 words in the span of 30 days?

My answer:

My one biggest stressor is not getting distracted by other things.  When ever I am supposed to be doing one thing I get a ton of ideas for other projects.  I try not to get distracted by my urge to draw, sew, or craft or get distracted by pinterest.  I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time.  So when I actually do reach 50,000 words in 30 days it feels really good because I know I didn't allow myself to get too distracted.

Tomorrows entry will probably be a video entry because I will be up at my cabin again and I don't want to type out a whole blog post on my phone.  It's just easier to make a video :) Plus I have a Nanowrimo tag video I want to do.

<3 Andrea

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