"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Nanowrimo Day 3- Characters


Daily Writing Dare: 

Write about the last five things your main character bought and where he/she bought them.
*Dare from "No Plot? No Problem! Noveling Workbook" If you decide to use one of the dares, I post on my blog, in your novel I'd love to know and if you'd like to share how you used it, I would love to hear about that too.


So I haven't done any writing yet for today because I haven't been feeling well.  I'll probably do my writing later tonight.  I was a little bit ahead yesterday.  After going to the movies to see "Wreck it Ralph" (which was pretty good by the way) I stayed up late doing some writing.
Also I came across a really great kindle book called "@ Wrimo: A Thirty Day Survival Guide" by Kevin Kaiser.  It has really great advice for each day of Nanowrimo.  Since it was only $4usd I went ahead and got it.  It's pretty awesome if you need a bit of motivation each day.

Character Interview: 

Each day I will be doing a character interview question with my main character, Millie.


Who was your first love? How did you meet?


My first and only love is Charlie Higgins.  We met when he was six and I was four when he and his family moved in down the way from us. His daddy went to work with my daddy laying bricks. One Sunday afternoon they came over for dinner and that is when I first met him.

He had the curliest mop of blond hair I had ever seen and a face full of freckles. He looked like something right out of a picture book. My little four year old heart fell in love with him right then and there.

That day I sat in my little red wagon as he pulled me all over the front yard until his arms and legs ached. I remember I had tried to pull him too but I just wasn’t strong enough. I fell to the ground and started crying. He got out of the wagon, patted my head, and handed me a piece of candy he had hidden in his pockets. I smiled a big toothless grin at him and we were best friends ever since.

Technically I am not allowed to go with a boy until I'm sixteen.  I'm sixteen now so we can be official with things but before then, and glory be don't tell my daddy about this but we used to do a bunch a sneaking so we could hang out.  I mean we didn't do anything wrong you know, we just wanted to be together.  We'd go to picture shows or go spend time on the beach or go to the amusement park, things like that.

Daily Topic:

The topic: 

How do you go about creating characters? What are some things you look for in a well developed character? Introduce us to your characters. Use pictures, description, etc
*This blog topic was created by TracyMichelle210 on YouTube

My Answer:

For these characters I had originally gotten the idea for some of the characters from real people and then I developed them into my own fictional characters.  I did that by coming up with personalities, feelings, backstories, etc for them.  I like realistic characters that have distinct personalities and ones that I can relate to.  I also like passionate characters.
I am going to introduce my three main characters and share a little bit about each one.

Camilla "Millie" Ann Jacobs:

Age: 16
Birthdate: 13 Nov 1927
Favorite color: Blue
She is going into her 11th year of school.
She is in a band called "Rhythm and Rhyme"

When asked to describe her childhood she said:

"I had a pretty great childhood. Being the only child I was spoiled a lot, and I don’t really mean spoiled like my parents bought me a lot of stuff. We’ve never really had money for that. Momma made all of my clothes and dolls and daddy made me little toys out of wood. He would carve them and then paint them. He even let me help some times. My daddy was tough but fair and my momma was loving and kind and taught me all about being a woman. I spent most of my free time as a child out doors. I played with neighborhood kids. We’d climb trees, play games in the woods, explore, race air planes and cars that Daddy made us..he even made a small little runway in the yard."

Charlie Higgins

Age: 18

Graduated high school at 16 and went to work with his Daddy building houses.  He's outgoing and a bit of a daredevil.  Has been known to get into fights.  Likes to make his own rules.
Enjoys riding around on his Harley.

Has been drafted into the army for a service of 2 years.

Sam Porter

Age: 20
Birthdate: 16 October 1923

Can be a little cocky when he's showing off.  Has a dry sense of humor.
Very polite and considerate.  Reserved and laid back.  Adores children.  Christian who loves his Heavenly Father and tries hard to do what is right.
He is a musician who plays the guitar and sings.  He can play pretty much any instrument he picks up though.
Gets back from a deployment of 2 years and works for his dad in the family restaurant for the summer while he is trying to get a job for NASA.  Wants to be a mechanical engineer.

Sorry that this is a little rushed but I have to get going.  And for some reason blogger is screwing up and the post headings and all the font is looking really weird >< 
I hope you enjoyed reading about my characters though :)  Join me back here again tomorrow when I'll be talking about the world of my characters.

Keep writing! You can do it!
<3 Andrea

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