"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Nanowrimo Day 5- Story Titles


Daily Dare:

Describe the worst thing that has ever happened to your villain.
*Dare from "No Plot? No Problem! Noveling Workbook" If you decide to use one of the dares, I post on my blog, in your novel I'd love to know and if you'd like to share how you used it, I would love to hear about that too.


So after a lot of thought I decided I am going to write my back up story for Nanowrimo this month and write my other novel "Never Planned on You" after November is over.  Also I finally decided to make a new account on the Nanowrimo website.  I have been hating my user name and the only way to change it is to create a new account.  So you can now find me here: AndreaLovesWriting
For my blog I will still be doing it as scheduled.  Continuing with my interview questions with Millie and discussing things about that story.  I won't be saying much about my back up story which is titled: "The Diary of Juniper Blank".  I will be writing this exclusively for myself.  I'm hoping that this will make things a bit easier for me for Nano.
Still a bit behind on my word count.  I'm at 6,963 and I need to be at 8,335 to be caught up for day 5.

Character Interview:


Tell us about your best friend.


My best boyfriend is Charlie as you all know.  My girl best friend is Ruth Bennett.  She is two years older than me and she is married to Don, the lead singer in our band.  I met her a couple years ago because her momma is good friends with my momma.  She is some one that I can talk to about anything.  She is very wise.  

Daily Topic:

What's the title of your story? How did you choose it?  Any advice on how to choose titles?

My Answer:

The title of my story is "Never Planned on You".  I chose it because the main idea of the story is that Millie has imagined herself with Charlie and then she meets Sam.  She had never planned on meeting him and becomes confused as to what she should do.
It is usually best to choose a title for your story after it is written.  Usually if an author gets an idea for a title before then they will refer to their title as a "working title".  The title may change several times before they settle on the final title when the book is ready for publication.
To get inspired for a title I will think about the idea behind my story, or I may use an important line from the story.  Also something that helps me is searching the "Adopt a Title" thread on the nanowrimo website.

Again not much in this post.  Sorry about that.  I have been waiting late to write the post and have been feeling tired and unable to think well.  I may come back later and edit this post to add more info.

Hope your writing is going well,
<3 Andrea

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