"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Planning: Helpful Links


This week's topic for the PracticeMakesProse Challenge is to share links that will help aid in the planning of your novel.

Today is "Nano Prep Day" and a lot of great website links were given out in the forums and on twitter. In this blog entry I will compile a list of helpful links I found through those sources and also ones I had previous knowledge of.

Character Preparation:

National Novel Writing Month Preparation:

Writing in General:

I hope that these links can help you as you prepare for Nanowrimo or as you prepare for any of your writing projects.

<3 Andrea

2 Responses to “Planning: Helpful Links”

  1. What a great list of links, thanks for sharing. I'm a pantser trying to do more plotting last year, and am looking for resources for getting some things planned ahead of time. Thank you!

  2. Unknown says:

    You're very welcome! I'm glad this helped :)

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