Word Count: 36,766
Yesterday I wrote about 5,000 words and was able to get caught back up! I'm hoping to be able to get ahead this weekend and hopefully reach 50,000 words early.
Onto the task set by OneMoreSouthernBelle:
The Task: Talk about why you decided to do Camp Nanowrimo and how you like it over the other events put on by The Office of Letters and Light.
My Response:
I did camp nanowrimo in June as well as this month and I chose to do it because I am a big fan of participating in Nanowrimo and I always look forward to it. In fact it is something I am thinking about all year long. I mentioned before a reason why I chose to do camp nanowrimo this month (and last month too) and that is because I have had a hard time with finishing things I start and I do not like that. I wanted to use Nanowrimo as an opportunity to start a project and finish it. I also love doing Nanowrimo because it is an opportunity to meet other people who enjoy doing the same thing that I do and to be able to learn from them and grow as a writer.
Last year towards the end of July (Camp sessions were july and august last year) I came across some information about "camp nanowrimo" and I got very very very excited! I have been doing Nanowrimo for a long time and I was thrilled about the opportunity to do it during the summer! For one reason I hate having to wait a whole year in between Nanowrimo sessions and another reason is that things have been so busy for me during November that it was getting hard for me to even work on writing during that month. I have a small business where I sew stuffed animals out of socks and November is my busiest time because people are ordering things for christmas. Plus I have school and other things that keep me busy during November. Still I do not think I would say I like Camp Nanowrimo over Nanowrimo in November. I just really love them both!
I did try Script Frenzy this year and I didn't really enjoy doing it all that much. I guess because I am just so used to writing a novel. I have never written a script before and I wasn't really prepared but maybe I will try again next year.
Well I hope that answers your task correctly ^^ If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
So I hope every one is still doing well on their novels! Only 8 days left! Oh and if you have not read the latest pep talk I strongly recommend you do! I thought it was such a good one! If you are a Camp Nanowrimo participant then it should be in your inbox.
Thanks for reading and remember there is still plenty of time! Don't give up! You can do it!
<3 Andrea
PS: Check out my video made yesterday in response to yesterdays task:
"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood
- Cara Lockwood
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Camp Nanowrimo