"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Emotions and Mystery


Word Count: 30,911


So I didn't get much writing done yesterday and I haven't written yet today.  I haven't been feeling too well today so I'm going to do some resting and hopefully feel up to writing later on since I've gotten a bit behind.  I have tomorrow off of work so I'm hoping to use that time to get caught up as well.  I'd really like to start getting ahead on my writing since the end of Camp Nanowrimo is fast approaching.

So last night instead of writing I started thinking about what I want to write in November for Nanowrimo (I know terrible isn't it..I haven't even finished this one yet).  Well I decided what story I was going to write.  There was a story I started writing during my senior year in high school that was inspired by some stories my grandmother had told me about her teenage years and how she met my grandfather.  I really love the story a lot and I've been meaning to actually get a draft written and then get it published so I want to use this November as an excuse to do that.  I will spend September and October working on planning it.  November is usually really busy for me so if there is going to be any chance of me reaching 50,000 I'll need to have the story planned out.  So I'll give you guys more information on that story, near the end of October.  So after this Camp Session is over make sure you meet me back here in October for more Nanowrimo goodness!

Now onto the tasks I'll be doing that were set by TracyMichelle210 and OneMoreSouthernBelle:

I did these tasks in a video response which you can watch below:

So thanks so much everyone for reading and watching! I hope your novels are going well! I'd love to hear how you are doing so please feel free to comment below or on my YouTube video.

<3 Andrea

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