"The only way to be sure you never get published is to give up. Don't give up."
- Cara Lockwood

Paper Plate Awards


Today's Task was set by TracyMichelle210:

The Task:

Her task was inspired by the following Pep talk given in June for Camp Nanowrimo:

"I like to imagine that I am reading this particular pep talk aloud to you in a camp-like closing-ceremonies setting. Maybe in a barn, with all assembled campers sitting on some hay bales or on the flatbed of an old truck. Or in a massive field, with a bonfire burning nearby. Yeah... let's pretend that's what's going on here.
Camps have funny end-of-session traditions. At my camp, we packed as many 10 to 12-year-olds as would fit into a makeshift sweat hut, until we couldn't take it anymore and had to jump in the river. (The older I get, the weirder this seems to me. I guess it's no secret that my parents were hippies.)
Many camps, at least in the US, follow the (far more traditional and less sweaty) ritual of passing out paper plate awards. These paper plates bear in writing an accomplishment or trait specific to each camper. I have this fantasy that one day I will be able to distribute actual paper plate awards to each and every NaNoWriMo camper. But until then I have come up with a few virtual awards, sans plate, to share with you here:
Most willing to lock their inner editor in a duffel bag and write freely and unencumbered for one whole month.
Best use of insane plot twists, outrageous character traits, and extensive setting detail in a 50,000-word novel.
Most receptive to guilt monkeys.
Least likely to allow excuses, self-doubt, exhaustion, or lack of inspiration to stop them from going for the win.
Most successful at realizing they have a book in them, and honoring that creative potential.
Most likely to have their underwear run up the flagpole. (There's always one, isn't there?)
Most adamant refusal to let anything—rabid chipmunks, wet socks, poison ivy, rancid Sunday casserole—stand in the way of glory, the rough draft of their novel, and the title of author.
Which award would be yours?"

Create a paper plate award showing what award you would give yourself.

My Response:

I had a hard time thinking of an award to give my self so I chose one from the list in the pep talk.  The award I gave my self was "Least likely to allow excuses, self-doubt, exhaustion, or lack of inspiration to stop them from going for the win"
A lot of times I feel like I just want to give up because I feel like I can't do it or I'm too tire or I don't have enough inspiration but I have learned to overcome that and to just write and I was able to accomplish so much!
Thanks Tracy for this task it was a lot of fun!!

Since today's task was a bit of a crafty one I though I'd share the following video with you.  It is how to make a Camp Nanowrimo related craft and is lots of fun!

Only today and tomorrow left of camp! I can't believe that time has gone by so quickly!  Good luck to every one!!

<3 Andrea

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